Do you have low milk supply?

Motherhood can be challenging and we want to try and help make it a little easier. 

Lets find out if you are experiencing lower milk supply. 

If you're wondering whether you have a low milk supply, it's important to remember that each woman's breastfeeding journey is unique. However, there are certain indicators that can help you assess if your baby is getting enough nourishment.

One common sign is if your baby doesn't reach their birth weight within 2-3 weeks or isn't meeting the recommended output guidelines, such as an adequate number of wet and soiled diapers. These factors may suggest that your baby isn't receiving sufficient milk.

To gain more confidence in your milk supply, watch out for these positive signs during feedings:

  1. Baby's hands and fists are relaxed and open throughout the entire feeding session. This indicates that they are content and satisfied with the milk they are receiving.

  2. Your baby has an appropriate number of wet and soiled diapers. This shows that they are eliminating waste properly and receiving enough milk for healthy digestion.

  3. Your baby is following their growth curve and steadily gaining weight over time. Regular visits to the pediatrician can help track their growth and ensure they are on the right path.

  4. Your baby has periods of being awake and alert during the day. This indicates that they are well-nourished and have enough energy to be engaged and active.

Remember, if you have concerns about your milk supply or your baby's feeding patterns, it's always a good idea to consult with a lactation consultant or healthcare provider who can offer personalized guidance and support.

Breastfeeding can sometimes come with challenges, but with the right information and support, you can navigate them successfully and provide the nourishment your baby needs.

    Fun Facts

    Feed Feed Feed

    Breastfeed frequently and on demand: The more you breastfeed, the more signals your body receives to produce milk. Aim for 8-12 breastfeeding sessions in a 24-hour period, allowing your baby to nurse whenever they show hunger cues.

    Fun Facts

    Get your latch on

    Ensure a proper latch: A good latch is crucial for effective milk transfer. Make sure your baby has a wide mouth and latches onto both the areola and nipple. Seek support from a lactation consultant if you need assistance with achieving a proper latch.

    Fun Facts

    Two is better than one

    Offer both breasts during each feeding: Switching sides during a feeding ensures that both breasts are adequately stimulated and helps increase milk production. Offer one breast until it feels soft, then offer the other breast.

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